TASM Real Heroes Design

TASM Real Heroes Design

Starting at: $65

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The price  includes the printing & sewing service only.It is designed by Real Heroes Design.
You need to pay for the pattern fee and It is $35 on the Real Heroes Design website.
If you do not have it,you may order here to save $5.
If you already have it,please choose I already have it and send the pattern to us after your payment.
We need about 2 weeks to print it on lycra fabrics and sew this cosplay costume for you.
  • Ankle Zip
  • Detached Feet
  • Detached Mask
  • Female Crotch Zip
  • Male Crotch Zip
  • Mask Zip
  • Neck Zip
  • Open Eyes
  • U Zip
  • Forearm Zip
  • Kungfu shoes
  • Soles:black rubber soles to the bottom of the suit
  • A mask without choosing attached lenses:
  • Puff Painting Webs only.It costs extra 20 working days.
  • Screen Printed Emblems Can't Go With Back Zip.
Product Reviews
Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 reviews)
by Jake LeVrierDate Added: 04/28/2024TEXT_OF_5_STARS
Something to know when ordering this suit: the mask is extra "baggy" by default so that when you wear a faceshell you get that wrinkled look like the movie. So, be sure to put in your exact neck and head measurements, and I would opt for a neck zipper (this at least allowed for a tighter fit than before). It was the customer service team's idea when I emailed them about fit issues with the other mask, and the zipper idea worked! I do have to tuck the neck of the mask to hide the zipper, but that's fine. Wanted to give people looking to buy this suit an idea of what it looks like with a tighter mask and this faceshell/lenses I found on etsy! (https://www.etsy.com/listing/1117124691/super-hero-the-amazing-spider-man?click_key=7b1af853555a7cf648ffff7aec1c9e9b65e53eda%3A1117124691&click_sum=1de83ba3&ref=hp_opfy-1&pro=1&frs=1) Anyways, I love this costume to bits. Super lycra fabrics look real nice :)

by Jake LeVrierDate Added: 02/01/2024TEXT_OF_5_STARS
Amazing quality and fantastic fit! I asked for a little more accurate of a mask and Printcostume made it look awesome when using one of their faceshells! I went with the Super Lycra fabrics and the colors look great, much less fade than the regular lycra. Also chose to 3D the emblems, and I like the way they look, but if you want them to be more accurate than I wouldn't male them 3D as this fills in those gaps the original versions have. Even without puff paint it's a gorgeous costume, in fact I think this design is better without painting it but to each their own. I would shop elsewhere if you want the movie accurate lenses and faceshell, but at least for just the suit and maybe the mask too with cutouts in the mask, this is a great place to start. Best part is Printcostume actually custom tailors their suits.

by Deshon StanleyDate Added: 10/15/2023TEXT_OF_5_STARS
It’s movie accurate now love this suite

Displaying 1 to 3 (of 3 reviews)
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