The price does not include the faceshell and if you want,please choose this option.
Ankle Zip
Detached Feet
Detached Mask
Female Crotch Zip
Male Crotch Zip
Mask Zip
Neck Zip
Open Eyes
U Zip
Forearm Zip
Kungfu shoes
Soles:black rubber soles to the bottom of the suit
A mask without choosing attached lenses:
Puff Painting Webs only.It costs extra 20 working days.
Screen Printed Emblems Can't Go With Back Zip.
Product Reviews
by Matthew ForbesDate Added: 05/08/2024

I’m not really happy with the lenses I bought with my latest suit. I bought these lenses with the assumption that they would be the same ones as shown above. They’re not like the TASM 2 lenses I have which are a hard plastic and sturdy. The one I have are made of a rubber like material and they aren’t even the correct shape for TASM. I’m gonna have to go to a third party to try and find movie accurate lenses. My suit is absolutely phenomenal which stings even more
reply from printcostume
we apologize for this issue and we sent you the wrong lenses and we will send you right lenses later