The price includes the printing & sewing service only.It is designed by Ethn cos Design.
You need to pay for the pattern fee and It is $35 on the Ethn cos Design website.
If you do not have it,you may order here to save $5.
If you already have it,please choose I already have it and send the pattern to us after your payment.
We need about 2 weeks to finish this cosplay costume for you.
Ankle Zip
Detached Feet
Detached Mask
Female Crotch Zip
Male Crotch Zip
Mask Zip
Neck Zip
Open Eyes
U Zip
Forearm Zip
Kungfu shoes
Soles:black rubber soles to the bottom of the suit
A mask without choosing attached lenses:
Puff Painting Webs only.It costs extra 20 working days.
Screen Printed Emblems Can't Go With Back Zip.
Product Reviews
by Carl FolkertsDate Added: 09/10/2024

Super legit pattern! I got it on the colored fabrics so the “sheen” on the blue is a little less noticeable, but overall it’s still one of my fav suits I own! It’s just SCREAMS classic spiderman
by Ethan LabonteDate Added: 05/16/2024

by Anouk FrossardDate Added: 02/19/2024

So happy I got this suit! The colored fabric really makes a difference I hope they add the option to more suit! Thank you so much for this incredible costume !
by Anouk FrossardDate Added: 02/19/2024

So happy I bought this suit! I got the colored fabric and it makes such a difference! It fits perfectly I highly recommend it! Just hope they put the colored fabric option on more suit because it is so much cooler.
by Matthew ForbesDate Added: 02/03/2024

I ordered this suit just before the new year and have used it so many times and will be doing a photoshoot soon aswell. Being a bigger person, I was really scared of bursting the seams or tears cause of my size but I’m so comfortable in the suit and able to do many different poses. The build quality of the suits are absolutely phenomenal and will definitely be buying so many more suits that’s for sure. I got the colour fabrics on this suit and it was definitely worth going for.
Also shoutout to my beautiful girlfriend for buying me this suit as a Christmas present.
by Nathan MuserDate Added: 06/12/2023